About Me

Sculptor, model painter and designer from stourbridge westmidlands. i have just finished a Btec National Diploma 3D Design course and passed with a triple distinction (the highest possible grade) and then i am starting a BA in model making. In the mean time i hope to do some comission work. If you are interested in my services contact me at Add_bmx@hotmail.com

Monday 28 June 2010

blast from the past!

so this is what started off my ambition to become a modelmaker. it is a set inspired by the novel the wee free men by terry pratchet. it was constructed from wood, blue foam and various other bits and bobs

more ogres

3 of my second 5 man iron gut unit to accompany my bruiser!
my butcher, might have to sculpt another one i made this one 3 years ago now. not the best!
preview of my bruiser before painting
gnoblars with 6 man unit filler of a war shrine
scrap launcher for ogre army. went for a white rhinox i think it works really well

Friday 25 June 2010

self portrait

this was a sculpt i did at college of myself, it was my first realistic portait sculpt ever and i dont think it came out to bad

Thursday 24 June 2010

My Studio

well this is my desk in my "studio" really need to have a good tidy up and put some storage shelves up again to be honest


so in my free time i collect and paint gamesworkshop which is where i learnt all my skills i now have as a sculptor and painter. so il be posting various pictures of what im currently working on now i have finished college during the summer.

these two units are from my ogre kingdoms army i am currently painting. the top ones are iron guts and the bottom ones are bulls.

Design drawing

these are the designs for the robot i created. the image was drawn in black fine liner and then rendered using graphics markers and a bit of white paint for final highlights

clockwork robot

This model was my first proper attempt at larger scale modelling. the robot was carved from blue foam with details made from various materials. the model stands at around 30cm and was painted using acrylic paint.

Mr Hyde

This is my latest sculpt and paint job for my final project at college. It was displayed in our end of year exhibition. the character was sculpted from fimo and then painted using acrylic paint. the inspiration for the piece came from the graphic novel the League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen.