About Me

Sculptor, model painter and designer from stourbridge westmidlands. i have just finished a Btec National Diploma 3D Design course and passed with a triple distinction (the highest possible grade) and then i am starting a BA in model making. In the mean time i hope to do some comission work. If you are interested in my services contact me at Add_bmx@hotmail.com

Thursday 5 August 2010

and its done..

so after 4 days for sculpting its done. im pretty pleased with the outcome and it was just a fun little project to pass the time

Wednesday 4 August 2010

finished scultping

so i decided to spend the evening getting this sucker done and im pretty pleased with how he came out :) just need to paint him now and then add hair when thats done!

back on it

as the weathers been pretty good lately and cause its summer holidays ive been slacking with doing any form of model making but on monday i started a new project so heres the progress so far

this will eventually be a bust of a goblin from the film the labyrinth the chosen goblin is shown on the photo behind the sculpt. only spent about an hour and a half on this so far obviously there are alot of things i am aware i need to change like the nose mouth

photo of my workbench for anyone that might be interested